Friday, August 29, 2014

Making it my very own Platform.

To those who invite them to know more about why they came to your country and now want you to change your traditions because they offend them.
Many people have come to your country because you have ripped their country off all their resources and left them with debts as now more than three quarters of the world’s people live in nations that are ecological debtors because their national consumption has outstripped their country’s biocapacity. Thus, most of you are propping up your current lifestyles, and your economic growth, by drawing (and increasingly overdrawing) upon the ecological capital of all the other parts of the world. So now they want you to change your traditions based on organised crime so that they can go back home with what you owe them and rebuild their nations as they were meant to be, before you colonised and exploited them with your christian religion and a slave trade to finally leave them in accordance to your scorched earth policy. As you may have learned that your new world is built on genocide and slavery. Furthermore many of your multinational companies and corporates owe the elders in such countries a reasonable pension despite the fact that when they worked for you in their younger ages, they were never given a reasonable income. In other words you have not complied to the declaration of human rights. Do not think that you are without scruples and compunction. The next time you offer them a seat to converse, make sure you are lying on a couch and that you are prepared for your next session of psycho analysis at the current rates of psychiatric treatment in your own country. In their country, all learning treatment to improve your mental status would have probably been a Grant(h) as that is how they take care of their guests to show their hospitality. 
Time you come down from your high horses, dude, and be cured of your Megalomania and delusions of grandeur.
Worry Not. I am not here to take any of your jobs. I will make my own. 
Just Play the Game - and I will be President.

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