Friday, August 29, 2014

In the Presidential KSP style of orgasmic* wet voting.

KSP - 2014:  Just Play the Game 

Make the KSP style a real reality and not everything that is virtually a reality. 
Try meeting face to face, at a meet space to experience the vegetable, flesh, blood and fluids of a real world. Compose one, especially for people living in the cyber space who usually or only converse on line.
Buyers know that real estate transactions must be notarised. You would expect the signing of a deed for instance, to require notarisation, but you may not be familiar with the expression - wet signature. It simply means that an original document is required, and the signature must be in wet ink. When wet signatures are required, even a colour copy will not suffice. 
Sailors, of stormy weathers, have ever since shown a tendency of leaving wet signatures in every harbour and leaving each safe haven with a signed wet heart on every arm. The irony of a sellers demand for wet signatures, though, is that a seller nowadays emails the signed document back to the real estate agent, rather than overnighting a signed contract. So, do not expect a wet signature from a lawyer. They are only in it for the money, like any other pimp and priest. 
Stereotypes, as the the world's geeks and technophiles, have a reputation of being say - cool and socially challenged. According to their code of converse, they'd rather do it on line than in person. Coining mildly repulsive words to get together with people in the real world, only to find themselves in a trait of impotence and a lack of personal hygiene. 
People who do not need to earn a profit and are in it only for a life style, need to help others to understand the encroaching virtualisation of society. Now let KSP - 2014 change this. 
Construct a story with five characters sitting at computer terminals, printing the words they type flashing on a big screen for the audience to see them. Gradually coalesce to form human like clones tempting their human counterparts to join them. Ignore the sinister temptations of virtual reality, including virtual sex. Temptations of this kind, in a real reality, can get scary and complex. If all goes well, get the five characters together in a climactic flesh meet leading them to fall for one another in a moment of natural beauty, colour and truth. Now is the time to take them out of cyber space and to a Club meet space, so charmingly referring to the corporeal world - The Meat Space.
To reduce the number of digital dreams, update a list of Club Meat Spaces, such as restaurants, cafés, cinemas, dance halls, hangouts, play grounds, inns, motels and hotels as well as activities, such as competitions, festivals, regular events and social gatherings to encourage interaction with and between net.folks.
To know is not all, as to do is the other half. If he or she, at a vegetable, flesh, blood and fluids meet, is communicating on line to attain the attention and receptiveness of a loyal listener, viewer or reader elsewhere, get him or her to talk with the others around him or her in patience and a satisfaction with hints and traits of a KSP style in real reality. If there is yet something missing take him or her by the collar and move the body to stick the head out of the cyber space to review the brown earth.
Do not let him or her go without leaving a wet signature in support of a KSP style. 
Some government agencies, such as the election authorities; will require that individuals, entitled to vote, should fill the blank ballots with wet signs. Furthermore, to authenticate themselves with an ID document to assure that they personally have viewed the content to prevent a mistake or fraud. 
As such making the practice of placing votes for KSP, in wet signs, known to be effective in the ballot boxes of every electoral district.
Just Play the Game - and I will be President.
* very enjoyable

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