Friday, August 29, 2014

We need to be Functional.

We have seen them all. We have inhaled them all. We have lived them all. We have smelled them all and we have tasted them all. We have touched them all and we have been touched by them all. We have heard them all. The political ideologies or the distinctive practices of a group of people. Such as socialism, communism, leftism, rightism, centralism, modernism, extremism, liberalism, conservatism, nationalism, royalism, fascism, racism, nazism, anarchism, mohammedanism, christianism, hinduism, judaism, messianism, buddism, feminism, childism, babyism, spiritualism, atheism, naturalism, regionalism, capitalism, environmentalism, monarchism, maffiaism, militarism, corporativism, individualism, idealism, etc, etc.
A Thing that is brought into a society is an object that should be determined by its function rather than by aesthetic considerations. Anything practically designed but non functional for a society, will be merely ornamental. Keep in mind that all aspects of a society serve a function and are necessary for the survival of that society. For any improvement, the process of change is one by which an organism or species becomes better suited to its environment. It should therefore be an adaptation to ensure that politics work primarily for biology and the planet, not for profit and fraud to benefit the non functional illusionists. The prevailing political and sociological order, as a set of principles or procedures according to which everything is done; has turned into an organised scheme or method of a multiparty system of government which is unfortunately without a set of rules, able or fit to be used in measurement or classification and that comparable to audit healthy organs in a body with a common structure or function. The constitutional order is, in other words, based on erroneous assumptions and the system is a state or condition of being wrong in conduct or judgement.
Let us now think with a clear mind and make it very simple. We need to be functional. 
With KSP take it along the fair way with an open mindedness and a will to consider classical and modern ideas. The meaning of this may by no means be transparent and yet it may function without the participant being aware of its presence.
Making it easy to perceive and free of any obstructions, so that everything can be distinctly seen and understood, it takes courage to be tolerant and a lot of courage to be honestly unprejudiced.
Let us call it - Transparent Functionalism.
Just Play the Game - and I will be President.

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