Saturday, May 14, 2016

The idea that once germinated has slowly grown into an obsession. Is it much to ask for to be an original and not another copy?

In simple minds are the complex people running for the aimless goals making the endless roads their home. Of all the living, the humans have lost their orientation of what life is all about. If life is as simple as it should be the perception of the viewer will change its value in every sense that it can be viewed. For all the success and happiness and the long length of life is all good and clever of the earth to make it happen. The humans, however, know not how to benefit from it for all the time of every place in that space. As such the idea of each book is meaningless. As they are made to make an art of copying the original. Is it much to ask for to be an original and not another copy? In pursuit of perfection and the representation of things in the ideal form or in any of various systems of thought in which the objects of knowledge are held to be in some way dependent on the activity of a mind. Some people speak their language and some people speak their language. The presence of some is the comfort of some. The absence of some cannot be because they are absent. The general sense of the world is theoretical and yet is every decision made practical and thus another probable mistake. To talk to a thinking mind is in the present a learning of a body with moving lips and a power of vision and in descriptions of the direction of someone's gaze as the smaller the eye, the more intense the winds blow by it. Every answer marks the willingness to listen and when all doubts are growing having the ear to the ground and breathing the air slowly through the nose to appreciate the scent when much of the time is spent sensing the skin with a touch of a smile. By now the idea has flitted through the mind. Each of the short curved hairs growing on the edges of the eyelids, serve to protect the eyes from dust. Without having to make much effort, seeing eye to eye brings out the truth. Fully aware of the possible difficulties and the consequences. With one eye on the watch waiting for an opening to emphasise the extreme degree of the situation in an area of outstanding natural beauty. This is an excellent example of something in a combination of qualities, such as shape, colour, taste, odours, that pleases the aesthetic senses. The state of being held in a specified regard to voice opinions on important subjects and to give voice to frustrations. It is essential to maintain proper body tone and function to note every slight degree of difference. In all to make the contract with correct play. Undertaking to win the number of tricks bid with a stated suit as trumps. The light and shade may help to win the number of tricks to fulfil the contract. However the patterns of social relationships identified by men and women differ. Giving the thumbs-up as a sign of affection is one or to be on nodding terms to know someone slightly because a nod is as good as a wink to a blind horse. Lightly touching a ball in passing or a caress with the lips is an expression of a gentle feeling of fondness or liking. Returning a look with interest, on the condition that interest is payable, should be assessed with further studies in a relationship between the stakeholders. The feeling of wanting to know or learn about something or someone is a beginning to take it to a tale full of interest with the quality of exciting curiosity and holding the attention of keeping the insurance details to hand within a binding concern. A positive declaration intended to give confidence is a promise on good grounds of what can be expected to happen in an assurance that one will do something. Not in words of extravagancy that is unlikely to be fulfilled. To provide access and communication, the time should be right to bring together and into contact so that a real or notional link is established. Coming to feel or think something over time and undergo natural development by increasing in size and changing physically is having reached a stage of mental or emotional development characteristic of an adult. Having reached the end of the insurance policy terms and hence becoming payable is essential to become or cause to become ready for consumption and reach for and hold something or someone with one's hands. A tempting or an attractive thing is desirable. Land is essential for crops to grow. Now, that is the deal - take it and attend to all someone's needs or requests or leave it. Holding hands is a sign of affirmation to offer someone emotional support or encouragement and making the soil and ground more fertile and productive by adding suitable substances to it. Now the season is to sow. The idea that once germinated has slowly grown into an obsession.
Just Play the Game - and I will be President.

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