Saturday, September 1, 2018

I am starting now.

For the sake of democracy have a mind of your own.
I am starting a campaign to get the law changed and if the law does not change I will continue to live without the law. I had better start now if I am going to finish the job in time. I am present at the start of the event. That is the start of the trouble. I have given them a many years start. They have done their work in their own interests to give themselves an easy start in life, in fact a very good start in life. And their children have had an advantageous beginning. But now we have to wake them from their state of being with a jerk. Now, I can start up the machine with the foot switch. The machine has started up. I have come into their being. Let us begin with a simple question, “Should we allow the teacher to start capitalising on children's curiosity?” Or shall I start with the case you mentioned first? I am sure they are going to blame it on me saying, “He is the man that started all the trouble!”. On the other hand, what I say will get them thinking. When the signal is given the race will start. As I said earlier, I have given them a many years start already and they will say, “Oh my! After all these years, he is starting now!” I will suddenly come out from the forests and the thickets, where the fields are bordered by hedges and trees, and rouse game from its lair and throw the ball into the place where the police and the criminals collaborate in their secret place, in concealment, anonymity and seclusion of an order protected by the legal system. It could be a prison, it could be the customs department, it could be the secret service, it could be a courtroom or it could be the parliament, the church or the monarchy. I do not know why they call the parliament, the church and the monarchy - a peoples mockery. Do you? Now let us get them on the hook. We will need some good stick work. But first let us put in the stoppers and the plugs to seal all the outlets so that they do not try to sneak away or slip out some back exit. Their education has taught them to move or go in a furtive or stealthy way, convey things in a furtive or stealthy way or do or obtain things in a stealthy or furtive way, live in an abundance on the citizens tax expenditures, make payments in a surreptitious way or as some do it professionally, creep up on someone slyly without being detected. 

To begin with, let me make this clear once and for all, they are all wrong. Democracy has no borders. No such responsibility should put a block on me finding someone to vote for me. For the sake of democracy, have a mind of your own. I know, I have to present my passport at the borders but that has nothing to do with democracy. I also have to use a password to get through the borders of a distribution network and the social medias of information and communication and all the unknown sciences at the borders of mathematics, physics and electronics to get access to my domains in the compatibility of all software and hardware. The potentials of technology are never wholly controllable as there are latent qualities or abilities that may be developed and lead to future success or usefulness. 

I on the other side, officially and publicly declare, democracy should have No! No! No! limits and Yes! Yes! beginnings. This is a potential source of conflict. This is where the trouble begins. Everyone is a worthy being and a worthy citizen with a worthy cause and with ideas that are worthy of attention. We are all here to learn. We need a university worthy of the name and worthy of further consideration. It is nonsensical to believe that ‘all we need is love’ because then we will all starve to death. So let us cut down on all the resources spent on love. It is also nonsensical to believe in the learnings of a religion for a worthy afterlife. I have not heard of anyone lying down in the grave utilising the knowledge of faith and at the same time being deliciously consumed by the microorganisms, including the brain matter and the heart muscle. So let us cut down on all the resources spent on religion. It is also nonsensical to believe that one must commit crimes to survive because then everyone will be committing crimes to live in a state of confinement to acquire bed and breakfast and a secure upbringing for a second chance, if given. So let us cut down on all resources spent on the benefits of crime. What should we do instead? All you spend in life is time and all the rest comes by and by. We need to put everyone into a life-long education scheme. Change the flag, but keep the two first verses of the national anthem for the sake of the game because it gives a good start to organise a community of scholars to make a republic of learning, hence rewrite the constitution.

Having done what was expected of Me, it is now up to You.
To do the Wild Thing.

(to be continued)

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