Saturday, December 5, 2020

Curiosity can be strongly instinctive and unreasoning.

 Because learning is a primeval inborn desire.

Anti-matter - Matter - Plasma - Particles - Atoms - Molecules - Compounds in gases, liquids and solids make our being, in a time, of learning. Every moment is a learning and every breath taken, is for the being and living in a community of scholars for the republic of learning. You just cannot be in some other thing. Everyone is, therefore a Sikha unless you are without a brain to mind about the quality or nature of things that make you and surround you. That is why you carefully pay attention to, obey and remember and be inclined to sense, feel, know and understand as you can also feel distressed, annoyed and worried or you can express a strong enthusiasm for something. You can feel concern about things and you regard things as important, when you feel reluctant to do something. Since everything around you is to emphasise a command to avoid injury or an accident. As every remembrance is used to introduce a qualification to a previous event and statement. That is why you bear somethings in mind transiently and keep somethings, always in your mind. Wherever you are, you can just not be, anything else, but the Sikha, you are. Since you are born, with a mind and a body.

This is just a short reminder, that 'The Wild Thing', goes on, in the nature of things and in a state of natures Grant(h) on the True Path of Nature.

(to be continued)

Saturday, September 1, 2018

I am starting now.

For the sake of democracy have a mind of your own.
I am starting a campaign to get the law changed and if the law does not change I will continue to live without the law. I had better start now if I am going to finish the job in time. I am present at the start of the event. That is the start of the trouble. I have given them a many years start. They have done their work in their own interests to give themselves an easy start in life, in fact a very good start in life. And their children have had an advantageous beginning. But now we have to wake them from their state of being with a jerk. Now, I can start up the machine with the foot switch. The machine has started up. I have come into their being. Let us begin with a simple question, “Should we allow the teacher to start capitalising on children's curiosity?” Or shall I start with the case you mentioned first? I am sure they are going to blame it on me saying, “He is the man that started all the trouble!”. On the other hand, what I say will get them thinking. When the signal is given the race will start. As I said earlier, I have given them a many years start already and they will say, “Oh my! After all these years, he is starting now!” I will suddenly come out from the forests and the thickets, where the fields are bordered by hedges and trees, and rouse game from its lair and throw the ball into the place where the police and the criminals collaborate in their secret place, in concealment, anonymity and seclusion of an order protected by the legal system. It could be a prison, it could be the customs department, it could be the secret service, it could be a courtroom or it could be the parliament, the church or the monarchy. I do not know why they call the parliament, the church and the monarchy - a peoples mockery. Do you? Now let us get them on the hook. We will need some good stick work. But first let us put in the stoppers and the plugs to seal all the outlets so that they do not try to sneak away or slip out some back exit. Their education has taught them to move or go in a furtive or stealthy way, convey things in a furtive or stealthy way or do or obtain things in a stealthy or furtive way, live in an abundance on the citizens tax expenditures, make payments in a surreptitious way or as some do it professionally, creep up on someone slyly without being detected. 

To begin with, let me make this clear once and for all, they are all wrong. Democracy has no borders. No such responsibility should put a block on me finding someone to vote for me. For the sake of democracy, have a mind of your own. I know, I have to present my passport at the borders but that has nothing to do with democracy. I also have to use a password to get through the borders of a distribution network and the social medias of information and communication and all the unknown sciences at the borders of mathematics, physics and electronics to get access to my domains in the compatibility of all software and hardware. The potentials of technology are never wholly controllable as there are latent qualities or abilities that may be developed and lead to future success or usefulness. 

I on the other side, officially and publicly declare, democracy should have No! No! No! limits and Yes! Yes! beginnings. This is a potential source of conflict. This is where the trouble begins. Everyone is a worthy being and a worthy citizen with a worthy cause and with ideas that are worthy of attention. We are all here to learn. We need a university worthy of the name and worthy of further consideration. It is nonsensical to believe that ‘all we need is love’ because then we will all starve to death. So let us cut down on all the resources spent on love. It is also nonsensical to believe in the learnings of a religion for a worthy afterlife. I have not heard of anyone lying down in the grave utilising the knowledge of faith and at the same time being deliciously consumed by the microorganisms, including the brain matter and the heart muscle. So let us cut down on all the resources spent on religion. It is also nonsensical to believe that one must commit crimes to survive because then everyone will be committing crimes to live in a state of confinement to acquire bed and breakfast and a secure upbringing for a second chance, if given. So let us cut down on all resources spent on the benefits of crime. What should we do instead? All you spend in life is time and all the rest comes by and by. We need to put everyone into a life-long education scheme. Change the flag, but keep the two first verses of the national anthem for the sake of the game because it gives a good start to organise a community of scholars to make a republic of learning, hence rewrite the constitution.

Having done what was expected of Me, it is now up to You.
To do the Wild Thing.

(to be continued)

Saturday, May 14, 2016

The idea that once germinated has slowly grown into an obsession. Is it much to ask for to be an original and not another copy?

In simple minds are the complex people running for the aimless goals making the endless roads their home. Of all the living, the humans have lost their orientation of what life is all about. If life is as simple as it should be the perception of the viewer will change its value in every sense that it can be viewed. For all the success and happiness and the long length of life is all good and clever of the earth to make it happen. The humans, however, know not how to benefit from it for all the time of every place in that space. As such the idea of each book is meaningless. As they are made to make an art of copying the original. Is it much to ask for to be an original and not another copy? In pursuit of perfection and the representation of things in the ideal form or in any of various systems of thought in which the objects of knowledge are held to be in some way dependent on the activity of a mind. Some people speak their language and some people speak their language. The presence of some is the comfort of some. The absence of some cannot be because they are absent. The general sense of the world is theoretical and yet is every decision made practical and thus another probable mistake. To talk to a thinking mind is in the present a learning of a body with moving lips and a power of vision and in descriptions of the direction of someone's gaze as the smaller the eye, the more intense the winds blow by it. Every answer marks the willingness to listen and when all doubts are growing having the ear to the ground and breathing the air slowly through the nose to appreciate the scent when much of the time is spent sensing the skin with a touch of a smile. By now the idea has flitted through the mind. Each of the short curved hairs growing on the edges of the eyelids, serve to protect the eyes from dust. Without having to make much effort, seeing eye to eye brings out the truth. Fully aware of the possible difficulties and the consequences. With one eye on the watch waiting for an opening to emphasise the extreme degree of the situation in an area of outstanding natural beauty. This is an excellent example of something in a combination of qualities, such as shape, colour, taste, odours, that pleases the aesthetic senses. The state of being held in a specified regard to voice opinions on important subjects and to give voice to frustrations. It is essential to maintain proper body tone and function to note every slight degree of difference. In all to make the contract with correct play. Undertaking to win the number of tricks bid with a stated suit as trumps. The light and shade may help to win the number of tricks to fulfil the contract. However the patterns of social relationships identified by men and women differ. Giving the thumbs-up as a sign of affection is one or to be on nodding terms to know someone slightly because a nod is as good as a wink to a blind horse. Lightly touching a ball in passing or a caress with the lips is an expression of a gentle feeling of fondness or liking. Returning a look with interest, on the condition that interest is payable, should be assessed with further studies in a relationship between the stakeholders. The feeling of wanting to know or learn about something or someone is a beginning to take it to a tale full of interest with the quality of exciting curiosity and holding the attention of keeping the insurance details to hand within a binding concern. A positive declaration intended to give confidence is a promise on good grounds of what can be expected to happen in an assurance that one will do something. Not in words of extravagancy that is unlikely to be fulfilled. To provide access and communication, the time should be right to bring together and into contact so that a real or notional link is established. Coming to feel or think something over time and undergo natural development by increasing in size and changing physically is having reached a stage of mental or emotional development characteristic of an adult. Having reached the end of the insurance policy terms and hence becoming payable is essential to become or cause to become ready for consumption and reach for and hold something or someone with one's hands. A tempting or an attractive thing is desirable. Land is essential for crops to grow. Now, that is the deal - take it and attend to all someone's needs or requests or leave it. Holding hands is a sign of affirmation to offer someone emotional support or encouragement and making the soil and ground more fertile and productive by adding suitable substances to it. Now the season is to sow. The idea that once germinated has slowly grown into an obsession.
Just Play the Game - and I will be President.

Friday, August 29, 2014

Making it my very own Platform.

To those who invite them to know more about why they came to your country and now want you to change your traditions because they offend them.
Many people have come to your country because you have ripped their country off all their resources and left them with debts as now more than three quarters of the world’s people live in nations that are ecological debtors because their national consumption has outstripped their country’s biocapacity. Thus, most of you are propping up your current lifestyles, and your economic growth, by drawing (and increasingly overdrawing) upon the ecological capital of all the other parts of the world. So now they want you to change your traditions based on organised crime so that they can go back home with what you owe them and rebuild their nations as they were meant to be, before you colonised and exploited them with your christian religion and a slave trade to finally leave them in accordance to your scorched earth policy. As you may have learned that your new world is built on genocide and slavery. Furthermore many of your multinational companies and corporates owe the elders in such countries a reasonable pension despite the fact that when they worked for you in their younger ages, they were never given a reasonable income. In other words you have not complied to the declaration of human rights. Do not think that you are without scruples and compunction. The next time you offer them a seat to converse, make sure you are lying on a couch and that you are prepared for your next session of psycho analysis at the current rates of psychiatric treatment in your own country. In their country, all learning treatment to improve your mental status would have probably been a Grant(h) as that is how they take care of their guests to show their hospitality. 
Time you come down from your high horses, dude, and be cured of your Megalomania and delusions of grandeur.
Worry Not. I am not here to take any of your jobs. I will make my own. 
Just Play the Game - and I will be President.

We need to be Functional.

We have seen them all. We have inhaled them all. We have lived them all. We have smelled them all and we have tasted them all. We have touched them all and we have been touched by them all. We have heard them all. The political ideologies or the distinctive practices of a group of people. Such as socialism, communism, leftism, rightism, centralism, modernism, extremism, liberalism, conservatism, nationalism, royalism, fascism, racism, nazism, anarchism, mohammedanism, christianism, hinduism, judaism, messianism, buddism, feminism, childism, babyism, spiritualism, atheism, naturalism, regionalism, capitalism, environmentalism, monarchism, maffiaism, militarism, corporativism, individualism, idealism, etc, etc.
A Thing that is brought into a society is an object that should be determined by its function rather than by aesthetic considerations. Anything practically designed but non functional for a society, will be merely ornamental. Keep in mind that all aspects of a society serve a function and are necessary for the survival of that society. For any improvement, the process of change is one by which an organism or species becomes better suited to its environment. It should therefore be an adaptation to ensure that politics work primarily for biology and the planet, not for profit and fraud to benefit the non functional illusionists. The prevailing political and sociological order, as a set of principles or procedures according to which everything is done; has turned into an organised scheme or method of a multiparty system of government which is unfortunately without a set of rules, able or fit to be used in measurement or classification and that comparable to audit healthy organs in a body with a common structure or function. The constitutional order is, in other words, based on erroneous assumptions and the system is a state or condition of being wrong in conduct or judgement.
Let us now think with a clear mind and make it very simple. We need to be functional. 
With KSP take it along the fair way with an open mindedness and a will to consider classical and modern ideas. The meaning of this may by no means be transparent and yet it may function without the participant being aware of its presence.
Making it easy to perceive and free of any obstructions, so that everything can be distinctly seen and understood, it takes courage to be tolerant and a lot of courage to be honestly unprejudiced.
Let us call it - Transparent Functionalism.
Just Play the Game - and I will be President.

In the Presidential KSP style of orgasmic* wet voting.

KSP - 2014:  Just Play the Game 

Make the KSP style a real reality and not everything that is virtually a reality. 
Try meeting face to face, at a meet space to experience the vegetable, flesh, blood and fluids of a real world. Compose one, especially for people living in the cyber space who usually or only converse on line.
Buyers know that real estate transactions must be notarised. You would expect the signing of a deed for instance, to require notarisation, but you may not be familiar with the expression - wet signature. It simply means that an original document is required, and the signature must be in wet ink. When wet signatures are required, even a colour copy will not suffice. 
Sailors, of stormy weathers, have ever since shown a tendency of leaving wet signatures in every harbour and leaving each safe haven with a signed wet heart on every arm. The irony of a sellers demand for wet signatures, though, is that a seller nowadays emails the signed document back to the real estate agent, rather than overnighting a signed contract. So, do not expect a wet signature from a lawyer. They are only in it for the money, like any other pimp and priest. 
Stereotypes, as the the world's geeks and technophiles, have a reputation of being say - cool and socially challenged. According to their code of converse, they'd rather do it on line than in person. Coining mildly repulsive words to get together with people in the real world, only to find themselves in a trait of impotence and a lack of personal hygiene. 
People who do not need to earn a profit and are in it only for a life style, need to help others to understand the encroaching virtualisation of society. Now let KSP - 2014 change this. 
Construct a story with five characters sitting at computer terminals, printing the words they type flashing on a big screen for the audience to see them. Gradually coalesce to form human like clones tempting their human counterparts to join them. Ignore the sinister temptations of virtual reality, including virtual sex. Temptations of this kind, in a real reality, can get scary and complex. If all goes well, get the five characters together in a climactic flesh meet leading them to fall for one another in a moment of natural beauty, colour and truth. Now is the time to take them out of cyber space and to a Club meet space, so charmingly referring to the corporeal world - The Meat Space.
To reduce the number of digital dreams, update a list of Club Meat Spaces, such as restaurants, cafés, cinemas, dance halls, hangouts, play grounds, inns, motels and hotels as well as activities, such as competitions, festivals, regular events and social gatherings to encourage interaction with and between net.folks.
To know is not all, as to do is the other half. If he or she, at a vegetable, flesh, blood and fluids meet, is communicating on line to attain the attention and receptiveness of a loyal listener, viewer or reader elsewhere, get him or her to talk with the others around him or her in patience and a satisfaction with hints and traits of a KSP style in real reality. If there is yet something missing take him or her by the collar and move the body to stick the head out of the cyber space to review the brown earth.
Do not let him or her go without leaving a wet signature in support of a KSP style. 
Some government agencies, such as the election authorities; will require that individuals, entitled to vote, should fill the blank ballots with wet signs. Furthermore, to authenticate themselves with an ID document to assure that they personally have viewed the content to prevent a mistake or fraud. 
As such making the practice of placing votes for KSP, in wet signs, known to be effective in the ballot boxes of every electoral district.
Just Play the Game - and I will be President.
* very enjoyable